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Rachel's Read List 2023

Books read this year

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39 items

Dan Brown.

Read November 2023 True to Brown’s style, interesting and forward thinking

To Infinity and Beyond


Read November 2023 Interesting, amazing pictures End gets a bit disjointed Easier to understand as a StarTalk listener

Uranus and Neptune
Carolyn Kennett

Read October 2023 Interesting but written for a European audience with no conversions in measurements. Also, it’s very apparent the author is basing the book on astronomy rather than newer fields of astrobiology, chemistry, or physics.

First frost
Sarah Addison Allen.

Finished October 2023 Not as good as the original, but true to characters for a sequel. As always, a happy ending.

Catching stardust
Natalie Starkey.

Read September 2023 A bit monotonous and repetitive. Not a lively or quick read. Interesting information, but highly speculative.

Jennifer Saint.

Read September 2023, interesting but seemed to jump around fairly quickly

Empress of the Nile: The Daredevil Archaeologist Who Saved Egypt's Ancient Temples from Destruction


Read September 2023 Interesting to learn some of the Egyptian history, an impressive life story that sometimes veered off course a bit.

The Late Mrs. Willoughby


Finished August 2023. A wonderful follow up to The Murder of Mr. Wickham. The author does such an artful job of capturing the characters in an authentic manner for the time period and Austin's writing. This one was a bit drawn out at the end - instead of being a page-turner, I felt myself hoping to get to the end. Obviously sets up an additional sequel which I will gladly add to my reading list!

The Milky Way
via Moiya McTier.

Finished August 2023. Definitely not what I was expecting. Very disappointing. No one wants to be insulted, particularly by a fictional (ish) character. Seemed as though the author's sass and latent anger about various cultural and political topics comes out in the "personality" of the Milky Way. Not worth the time... there are much more experienced science writers who present the same information in a much more approachable way.

The messenger of Athens
Anne Zouroudi.

Finished 8/5/23 Not my favorite. Everything is sad and backward in this island setting. I’m not sure why they call this “beautiful” - the setting is sad and out of touch with modern times. One would think this was written about the 1950s when women had no rights. I always dislike the idea that people will start an affair after just looking at each other - this story was no different. The characters were not likable and the detail to which unpleasant things were described made this a rather unenjoyable read.