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Rachel's Read List 2023

Books read this year

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39 items

Chasing New Horizons
Alan Stern and David Grinspoon.

Finished 8/1/23 Tells the story of New Horizons in a fascinating manner. Interesting and amazing. The inside look at the long process of spacecraft proposal and development was enlightening.

The Murder of Mr. Wickham


Finished 7/28/23 Amazing! One of my favorite books this year. The author perfectly captures Jane Austin’s tone and style and manages to stay true to all of the characters brought together while developing likable new ones. Definitely one to recommend - would be great for a book club.

The Andromeda strain
Michael Crichton.

Finished 7/22/23 Beginning was decent, ending was absolutely terrible. Would not recommend. Jurassic Park was much better! (Doesn’t help that the science fiction on this is super old at this point.)

The taint of Midas
Anne Zouroudi.

Finished 7/19/23 Writing was very descriptive, sets a beautiful scene. Unexpected ending but fitting for the characters.

The sugar queen
Sarah Addison Allen.

Finished 7/8/23 Fairly typical for this author but the characters were not as well-developed as in some of her other novels. The plot was a bit slow and then ended abruptly. Not my favorite.

The lost world
a novel by Michael Crichton.

Finished 7/2/2023 As terrifying as the original. The characters were not very likable, but you can’t root for the dinosaurs! Interesting concept for a science fiction story.

Jurassic Park
Michael Crichton.

Finished 6/21/23 Thrilling and terrifying, now I need to read the sequel and rewatch the movies.

Lost Lake
Sarah Addison Allen.

Finished 6/16/23 Really enjoyed. A touching story with a happy ending.

No-drama discipline
Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

Finished 6/10/23 Helpful ideas, some may be difficult to implement in “real life”

Murder most royal
[by] Jean Plaidy.

Finished 6/7/23 Interesting take on Henry 8th Context of the time is sorely missing