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True Adventure stories #travel #memoir

Non fiction stories of adventure in Canada and beyond. Many written by women (maybe some men) who have explored the wild places in our world.

Created on: March 03, 2020
Varied Genres wishlist Anne

Created on: March 04, 2023
True Crime

Created on: March 06, 2020
Autumn True Crime

Created on: October 09, 2020
Spooky Stories for Kids

Read at your own risk! If you like a good scare, try one of the books on this list.

Created on: August 18, 2023
Stellar Short Stories (teen&adult)

Created on: March 01, 2020
A Fistful of Stories! Wild, Weird Western Fiction

As in film westerns, the western novel has been revived in newer and unconventional ways in recent years. There has been the rise in popularity of the “weird western”: a hybrid genre which blends elements of the traditional western (a lawless frontier, a hero pit against all odds) with those of other types of fiction such as noir, mystery, horror and science-fiction (namely, the alternate Victorian universe known as steampunk).

Created on: March 03, 2020
Dark, Thrilling Noir Fiction

Films within the noir genre are quite diverse, but have a few things in common: a dark and brooding atmosphere, a cynical protagonist with a complicated past, and plotlines that are fatalistic. Noir fiction has developed alongside these films since the 1930s and 1940s and has the same characteristics. Although classic noir novels by such authors as Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett are detective stories, others are written in the form of psychological thrillers, and horror, western and science-fiction novels.

Created on: March 03, 2020
Books about the running life

As a runner, I love listening to audiobooks about running and runners (and one about walking). Here are some audiobooks with great stories told by runners. Entertaining and inspiring - and sometimes just a lot of fun.

Created on: March 03, 2020
My Favorite Fictional Reads

This includes a bit of everything, from suspense, mystery and just interesting stories of people often set in different times and places

Created on: April 02, 2020