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Created on: June 23, 2022
Dark, Thrilling Noir Fiction

Films within the noir genre are quite diverse, but have a few things in common: a dark and brooding atmosphere, a cynical protagonist with a complicated past, and plotlines that are fatalistic. Noir fiction has developed alongside these films since the 1930s and 1940s and has the same characteristics. Although classic noir novels by such authors as Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett are detective stories, others are written in the form of psychological thrillers, and horror, western and science-fiction novels.

Created on: March 04, 2020

Good, basic books on Stoic philosophy. The focus here is on: a) a few writers who have interpreted Stoic philosophy for modern audiences, b) the surviving Greco-Roman texts, and c) a couple of biographies. Unfortunately, I've yet to find a good biography of Marcus Aurelius; let me know if you've found one! The links here all go to Goodreads and, for the ancient texts, to the translations/editions I recommend. By the way, not one of these books is in the Coquitlam Library system!

Created on: June 22, 2020