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Top 10 Adult Fiction and Nonfiction of 2021

Most popular titles from our Adult collection. For large print, eBook, or eAudiobook formats, check our catalogue!

Created on: December 09, 2021
Top 10 Children's Fiction and Nonfiction of 2021

Check the catalogue for more formats! eBook and graphic novel versions are also available on Cloud Library, ComicsPlus, and Hoopla!

Created on: December 10, 2021
Top 10 Borrowed Teen Fiction 2021

The most popular borrows from Coquitlam Public Library for teens in 2021!

Created on: December 15, 2021
Time Travellers

Travel through time with some of the greatest time travel fiction on the library shelves.

Created on: June 17, 2022
If you like Stranger Things...

Spooky and suspenseful fiction for tweens and teens

Created on: July 20, 2022
TOP 100 2022 Reads

Your favourite Adult fiction and Nonfiction from 2022!

Created on: January 04, 2023
Non fiction

Created on: March 21, 2023
Mark Twain irl reflections

A list of non-fiction, reflection works from Mark Twain

Created on: March 22, 2024