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Top 10 Adult Fiction and Nonfiction of 2021

Most popular titles from our Adult collection. For large print, eBook, or eAudiobook formats, check our catalogue!

Created on: December 09, 2021
School Days | Chapter Books for Kids

Juvenile fiction books set at school. Follow along as the characters in these books make new friends, try new things, and get up to all kinds of shenanigans.

Created on: January 26, 2022
Coming Soon - Adult Non-Fiction

Coming Soon to Coquitlam Public Library! Place a hold on the On-Order books below and be one of the first to read these highly anticipated new releases.

Created on: February 23, 2022
Coming Soon - Juvenile Fiction

Coming Soon to Coquitlam Public Library! Place a hold on the On-Order books below and be one of the first to read these highly anticipated new releases.

Created on: February 23, 2022
Coming Soon - Teen Fiction

Coming Soon to Coquitlam Public Library! Place a hold on the On-Order books below and be one of the first to read these highly anticipated new releases.

Created on: February 23, 2022
TOP 100 2022 Reads

Your favourite Adult fiction and Nonfiction from 2022!

Created on: January 04, 2023
My Favorite Fictional Reads

This includes a bit of everything, from suspense, mystery and just interesting stories of people often set in different times and places

Created on: April 02, 2020
Hygge - and safe - at home

Books and more to remind you that being at home is a good thing

Created on: April 17, 2020
Backyard birding

Books and other resources to help you and your family with your newest hobby!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Handmade crafts and gifts - made by kids!

Books and other resources for kids who like to get crafty!

Created on: April 28, 2020