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Ron's Reading 2023

Books I read in 2023. Website links are to Goodreads for those books that are not included in the Coquitlam Library collection. To date: 152 books and 60,491 pages read (as well as 35 hours and 59 minutes of audio). My reviews and ratings are here:

Created on: January 03, 2023
Freedom to Read 2024 | Teen and Adult Books

"Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms." - In recognition of Freedom to Read Week, we've compiled a list of books that have been challenged or banned across North America.

Created on: February 18, 2022
A Fistful of Stories! Wild, Weird Western Fiction

As in film westerns, the western novel has been revived in newer and unconventional ways in recent years. There has been the rise in popularity of the “weird western”: a hybrid genre which blends elements of the traditional western (a lawless frontier, a hero pit against all odds) with those of other types of fiction such as noir, mystery, horror and science-fiction (namely, the alternate Victorian universe known as steampunk).

Created on: March 04, 2020
My Favorite Fictional Reads

This includes a bit of everything, from suspense, mystery and just interesting stories of people often set in different times and places

Created on: April 02, 2020
Hygge - and safe - at home

Books and more to remind you that being at home is a good thing

Created on: April 18, 2020
Backyard birding

Books and other resources to help you and your family with your newest hobby!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Handmade crafts and gifts - made by kids!

Books and other resources for kids who like to get crafty!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Fairies and other magical creatures

Fairies, pixies, and other magical beasties. For kids 4-12.

Created on: May 26, 2020
Diversity - books to help explain Racism and Protest to your kids

Stories and literature to help get the conversation going.

Created on: June 03, 2020

Good, basic books on Stoic philosophy. The focus here is on: a) a few writers who have interpreted Stoic philosophy for modern audiences, b) the surviving Greco-Roman texts, and c) a couple of biographies. Unfortunately, I've yet to find a good biography of Marcus Aurelius; let me know if you've found one! The links here all go to Goodreads and, for the ancient texts, to the translations/editions I recommend. By the way, not one of these books is in the Coquitlam Library system!

Created on: June 22, 2020