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James Patterson

Lots of Murder & Mayhem

Created on: August 10, 2021
Red Cedar Book Awards

Here are the nominees for the 2023-2024 Red Cedar Book Award, British Columbia's Young Readers' Choice Award. To vote for YOUR favourite book, visit

Created on: February 23, 2024
Backyard birding

Books and other resources to help you and your family with your newest hobby!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Handmade crafts and gifts - made by kids!

Books and other resources for kids who like to get crafty!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Sourdough and more!

Lots of great bread-making resources to get you started!

Created on: May 09, 2020
Stars, the Universe, and Everything

Fascinated by the night sky and all the twinkly bits you can see? Here's a list of books, DVDs, digital resources, and even some telescopes you can borrow!

Created on: May 19, 2020
Developmental disability resources

Print, streaming, and eResources

Created on: September 18, 2020
Understanding the Opioid Crisis

Print, web, and streaming resources to help you make sense of it all.

Created on: September 22, 2020
Not just BLUE - Mental health resources for kids and their parents

Books to help children and teens (and their parents) understand how they are feeling.

Created on: December 10, 2020