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life cycle of a plant trees

Created on: June 23, 2022
Disasters & Emergencies

What should you do when an emergency situation happens? Featuring books on preparedness, planning, and real life stories of emergencies and disasters.

Created on: November 30, 2022
A Fistful of Stories! Wild, Weird Western Fiction

As in film westerns, the western novel has been revived in newer and unconventional ways in recent years. There has been the rise in popularity of the “weird western”: a hybrid genre which blends elements of the traditional western (a lawless frontier, a hero pit against all odds) with those of other types of fiction such as noir, mystery, horror and science-fiction (namely, the alternate Victorian universe known as steampunk).

Created on: March 04, 2020
Foreign Authors and more

Favourites South American authors and some other authors that can make you travel in their magical worlds of fantasy, love and spirituality

Created on: March 22, 2020
Backyard birding

Books and other resources to help you and your family with your newest hobby!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Handmade crafts and gifts - made by kids!

Books and other resources for kids who like to get crafty!

Created on: April 28, 2020
Women who changed the world

Brilliant women who were pioneers of mathematics, physics, biology, journalism and other arts and sciences. Nonfiction. eBooks and print.

Created on: May 31, 2020
Other best reads

For a short review visit my website:

Created on: June 29, 2020
Cut it out! Eat healthier and feel better

Cookbooks and other guides to help you cut down on calories and eat a little better

Created on: December 30, 2020