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BKLYN BookMatch Teen: COVID-19 Day of Remembrance

BookMatch Teen marks COVID Remembrance Day with a list of some of the titles that got them through this past year.

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8 items

We are the ants
Shaun David Hutchinson.
Heroes of Olympus.
Rick Riordan.

"This is nowhere near a new, or under-hyped series, but going back to these fun, somewhat juvenile modern classics has brought me some joy in the bleak quarantine months. If nothing else (though, I’d argue, there’s much else), watching a fictional world fall closer to collapse than society feels can be oddly comforting!"

The invisible life of addie larue [electronic resource].
Schwab, V. E.
Format: eBook

"I read this book after seeing it on multiple “sure to make you cry” recommendations - and I’ll say it earned its place. In a daily life that can feel monotonous, a book like this, with such immersive writing, well-developed characters, and a promising concept, is something of a blessing. For me at least, this book brought some excitement, and spiced up my quarantine."

ANNIE ON MY MIND [electronic resource].
Format: EBOOKS

"This book is sort of a lesbian YA classic. It was published in 1982 and has been the victim of many homophobic book challenges. I should have read it forever ago when my gf gifted me her copy, but earlier in quarantine (maybe late spring, early summer?) I finally got around to it. It is so sweet, so touching, and although it is a LGBTQ+ book from forty years ago it doesn’t come off as outdated in the least, besides some minor details. It made me feel a lot while I was spending so much time alone, as so many moments reflected my own life. Also, it's set in NYC, which always makes me happy."

Felix ever after
Callender, Kacen, author.
Format: eBook

"(Trigger Warning: worth mentioning cuz borderline hate crime) This is - if less super-happy-ending-escape-from-reality type, definitely worth the read. Of course I could yell about trans rep (Black transmasc woooo) or tell you about the self-discovery & romance elements, but the part of this book I think makes it so compelling is the heartache. This is a book that will make you ache - the descriptions are raw, (probably less relatable to a non 17-year old queer reader, but still), they’ll hit you where it hurts; warm you too."

The song of Achilles
Madeline Miller.

"A retelling of a classic myth which reimagines the story of Achilles, the Greek Hero. This one is also LGBTQ+, and has some truly great battle scenes and gut-wrenching twists, even if you already know how the myth ends."

Hidden Valley Road : inside the mind of an American family
Kolker, Robert, author.
Format: eBook

"I actually found out about this book through a friend, and found it fascinating. It’s the true story of the Galvin family in the 1970s, who had six of their ten sons develop schizophrenia. Their contributions to science and neurology helped psychologists begin to understand the progression and development of the illness, totally changing American psychology."

Make up
Michelle Phan.

"This book is not only about makeup but also provides useful tips on how to act for a job interview and ways to develop confidence both on the outside and in the inside."