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BKLYN Bilingual Picture Books- Spanish & English

Enjoy these pictures books in Spanish and English! These books are shelved with the Spanish books at Brooklyn Public Library.

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32 items

Moony Luna
story, Jorge Argueta ; illustrations, Elizabeth Gâomez = Luna Lunita Lunera / cuento, Jorge Argueta ; ilustraciones, Elizabeth Gâomez.
My grandma = Mi abuelita
written by Ginger Foglesong Guy ; illustrations by Vivâi Escrivâa.
My school =
written by Ginger Foglesong Guy ; illustrations by Vivâi Escrivâa = escrito por Ginger Foglesong Guy ; ilustrado por Vivâi Escrivâa.
Playing loterâia
by Renâe Colato Laâinez ; illustrated by Jill Arena = El juego de la loterâia / escrito por Renâe Colato Laâinez ; illustrado por Jill Arena ; [translated by Straight Line Editorial Development].
The runaway piggy
by James Luna ; illustrations by Laura Lacâamara ; Spanish translation by Carolina Villarroel = El cochinito fugitivo / por James Luna ; ilustraciones de Laura Lacâamara ; traducciâon al espaänol de Carolina Villarroel.
by Ginger Foglesong Guy ; pictures by Renâe King Moreno.
Sparky's bark =
by Mimi Chapra ; illustrated by Vivâi Escrivâa.
Sweet dreams =
by Pat Mora ; illustrated by Maribel Suâarez.
Ten little puppies
Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy ; adapted from a traditional nursery rhyme in Spanish ; English version by Rosalma Zubizarreta ; illustrated by Ulises Wensell = Diez perritos ; adaptaciâon de una canciâon infantil tradicional.
Un cuento del mar =
texto de/written by Alejandro Garcâia Schnetzer ; ilustraciones de/illustrated by Sebastiâan Garcâia Schnetzer ; [traducciâon al inglâes, Janis Greenspan].