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- Little House on the Prairie

1: Little House in the Big Woods 2: Farmer Boy 3: Little House on the Prairie 4: On the Banks of Plum Creek 5: By the Shores of Silver Lake 6: The Long Winter 7: Little Town on the Prairie 8: These Happy Golden Years 9: The First Four Years

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Little house in the big woods
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

1: Little House in the Big Woods

Farmer boy
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

2: Farmer Boy

Little house on the prairie
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

3: Little House on the Prairie

On the banks of Plum Creek
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

4: On the Banks of Plum Creek

By the shores of Silver Lake
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

5: By the Shores of Silver Lake

The long winter;
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

6: The Long Winter

Little town on the prairie
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

7: Little Town on the Prairie

These happy golden years
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

8: These Happy Golden Years

The first four years
by Laura Ingalls Wilder ; illustrated by Garth Williams.

9: The First Four Years