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Bklyn Cycle Alliance--Ready, Set, Flow!

The Cycle Alliance aims to challenge menstruation stigmas and period poverty. These are titles and resources to help us on our journey.

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19 items

Revenge of the Red Club
Harrington, Kim

When middle school journalist Riley Dunne learns that the school's important and beloved period support club is being shut down, she uses the power of the pen to instigate much-needed social change.

Period power : a manifesto for the menstrual movement
Okamoto, Nadya, author.

This is a book about gender equality in the United States and how to engage in activism to get there.

Periods Gone Public : Taking a Stand for Menstrual Equity
Weiss-wolf, Jennifer

After centuries of being shrouded in taboo and superstition, periods have gone mainstream. Seemingly overnight, a new, high-profile movement has emerged--one dedicated to bold activism, creative product innovation, and smart policy advocacy--to address the centrality of menstruation in relation to core issues of gender equality and equity.

The period book
by Karen Gravelle & Jennifer Gravelle ; illustrations by Debbie Palen.
Heavy Flow : Breaking the Curse of Menstruation
Laird, Amanda

The fact is, women around the world are taught the bare minimum about menstruation, and the messages they do receive are negative: that periods are painful and gross, turn us into hormonal messes, and shouldn't be discussed. By examining the history of period shame and stigma and its effects on women's health and wellness today, and providing a crash course in menstrual self-care, Heavy Flow aims to lift the veil on menstruation, change the narrative, and break the "curse" once and for all.

The hormone myth : how junk science, gender politics, and lies about PMS keep women down
DeLuca, Robyn Stein, author.

Although the idea that women become raving lunatics when their hormones fluctuate is firmly entrenched in American culture, a thorough examination of the evidence overwhelmingly tells us otherwise.

Mam?, me ha venido la regla / Mom, the Period has Come
Serrano, Julia

El libro que sostienes en tus manos respondera a una simple pregunta y generara un millon de preguntas mas. ""Era entre marron y rojo... No me he asustado, sabia que pasaria y se que es motivo de ALEGRIA.

Helloflo : the guide, period.
Bloom, Naama, author.

Information and anecdotes about puberty for girls from the founder of the popular website