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The 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize Shortlist

Brooklyn Public Library and borough bookstores are celebrating Brooklyn literature this year with the inaugural Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize! Below are the 3 fiction and 3 nonfiction finalists, all submitted by Brooklyn library professionals, bookstores and Brooklyn Eagles. This annual prize will be awarded to authors who have lived in Brooklyn, portrayed the borough in their work or addressed themes relevant to its life and culture.

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7 items

Delicious foods
James Hannaham.

A finalist for the 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize.

Preparation for the next life
Atticus Lish.

A finalist for the 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize.

Lena Finkle's magic barrel
a graphic novel by Anya Ulinich.

A finalist for the 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize.

The edge becomes the center


A finalist for the 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize.

The lost tribe of Coney Island
Claire Prentice.

A finalist for the 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize.

I am sorry to think I have raised a timid son
Kent Russell.

A finalist for the 2015 Brooklyn Eagles Literary Prize.