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BKYLN Self Care Books for Teens

Self Care includes any actions you take to care for your physical, mental and emotional health. Self Care can be a touchy subject, because our society largely views Self Care as selfish and overly indulgent. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others. Caring for yourself is one of the most important things you can do to improve your life and the life of those you love.

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17 items

Throw like a girl
Jennie Finch with Ann Killion.

Throw Like a Girl inspires, motivates, and answers questions on issues that are specific to being a female athlete. Finch's book addresses the entire life of today's girl-not just fitness or physical preparation, but how to integrate the lessons of sports into life.

My new gender workbook
Kate Bornstein.

In My Gender Workbook, transgender activist Kate Bornstein brings theory down to Earth and provides a practical approach to living with or without a gender.

In love and in danger
Barrie Levy.

Included are facts about dating violence, tips for how to tell if your relationship is abusive, information on why dating abuse happens, and what you can do if you are being abused by (or are abusing) someone you love.

Fat! So?
Marilyn Wann.

Presents quotes, essays, and stories that tackle the latest taboo, being fat, and shows readers how they can reclaim their body and live a happy and healthy life at any size.

It's not all black and white
St. Stephen's Community House.

Biracial and multiracial youth discuss their lives and questions of identity though poems, essays, interviews, and personal reflections. Themes include navigating mixed-race relationships, dealing with prejudice and the assumptions people make based on appearances, and working through identity confusion to arrive at a strong and positive sense of self.

A teen's guide to success
Ben Bernstein, PH.D., Performance Coach.

A Teen’s Guide to Success shares principles and skills that help teens discover their higher potential and learn how to be calm, confident and focused in whatever situation they find themselves. Teens will learn the same techniques that all top athletes, musicians, business leaders and other successful people practice. -

Frequently asked questions about overscheduling and stress
Daniel E. Harmon.

Discusses stress caused by overscheduling, why it can be harmful both mentally and physically, and provides alternatives to dealing with stress.