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BKLYN BookMatch for West Elm: Sharpen Your Knowledge

This list was created by a librarian in partnership with West Elm ( Would you like your own personal list of reading suggestions? Visit Bklyn BookMatch at

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11 items

Moonwalking with Einstein
Joshua Foer.

What is a science journalist on a quest to improve his memory to do? Enroll in the U.S. Memory Championships, of course. Over the course of a year, Foer trains with practiced "mental athletes" while delving deep into the science of the brain and memory, to fascinating effect.

All the time in the world
Jessica Kerwin Jenkins.

The medieval book of hours, a collection of devotions for times of the day and seasons, is the template for this book about how people through the ages have passed the time. Cleverly divided into 75 vignettes, I found this book to be relaxing, witty and enlightening.

Out on the wire
Jessica Abel.

A behind-the scenes look at how some of the most popular narrative radio shows, like This American Life, Radiolab and Planet Money, are lovingly produced to maximize the power of their stories.

Last call
Daniel Okrent.

This book, which systematically lays out the factors leading to the 18th (and 21st) amendments to the Constitution, would be a great gift for any booze lover and fan of U.S. history.

El deafo
Cece Bell ; color by David Lasky.

Proof that kid lit can pack a mighty punch. The author, who lost her hearing at a young age, gives us her coming-of-age story in graphic novel form. This is a wonderful book for building empathy; give it to a young reader in your life, but not before reading it yourself first.

The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks
Rebecca Skloot.

I recommend this book to almost everybody. The story of a poor black woman whose cancerous cells--eventually responsible for countless medical breakthroughs, including polio, cancer and AIDS--were taken from her without her knowledge (not illegal at the time) touches on social justice, medical ethics, cellular research and more. Read it before the Oprah-backed film comes out: it's a jam-packed and sobering story.

The works
Kate Ascher ; researched by Wendy Marech ; designed by Alexander Isley, Inc.

A coffee table book you will actually want to read. This illustrated guide to urban water, traffic, sewage, electricity, mail and subway systems is packed with facts and anecdotes; perfect for those of us who loved reading the Stephen Biesty "Cross Sections" books as kids.

Dan Koeppel.

Bananas, such a commonplace fruit for millions worldwide, is what Koeppel calls, "among the most complex crops cultivated by humans." And if genetic scientists don't come up with a solution, the Cavendish varietal, backbone of the global banana industry, could suffer a total collapse within a generation. A banana history to read before bananas (as we know them) are history.

The thrilling adventures of Lovelace and Babbage
Sydney Padua.

An alternate history of Ada Lovelace (the first programmer) and Charles Babbage (the almost-inventor of the computer), that posits what would have happened if the pair had actually built the theoretical first computer, the Difference Engine. The detailed illustrations and diagrams come with comprehensive footnotes that give context for the mayhem that ensues.