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If You Are Scared of Poetry

Poetry can be intimidating, so here are some ebooks that serve as a beautiful reminder that poetry is for everyone, especially YOU. (Plus a recommended poetry podcast and a list of recommendations.)

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8 items

How Poetry Can Change Your Heart
Gibson, Andrea.

In this accessible volume, Andrea Gibson and Megan Falley roll out the welcome mat and prove that poetry is for everyone. Whether lapsed poetry lovers, aspiring poets, or total novices, readers will learn to uncover verse in unexpected places, find their way through a poem when they don't quite "get it," and discover just how transformative poetry can be.

Beautiful & pointless
David Orr.

"A clear-eyed, opinionated, and idiosyncratic guide to a vibrant but endangered art form, essential reading for anyone who loves poetry, and also for those of us who mostly just admire it from afar." —Tom Perrotta

How to read poetry like a professor : a quippy and sonorous guide to verse
Foster, Thomas C., author.

Reading poetry doesn’t need to be so overwhelming. In an entertaining and engaging voice, Thomas C. Foster shows readers how to overcome their fear of poetry and learn to enjoy it once more.

The sounds of poetry
Robert Pinsky.

This fascinating book explains how poets use the "technology" of poetry--its sounds--to create works of art that are "performed" in us when we read them aloud.

How to read a poem
Edward Hirsch.

This brilliant summation of poetry and human nature will speak to all readers who long to place poetry in their lives but don't know how to read it.

The poetry remedy : prescriptions for the heart, mind, and soul


Sometimes only a poem will do. These poetic prescriptions and wise words of advice are tailored to those moments in life when we need them most, from general glumness to news overload, and from infatuation to losing the spark. Whatever you’re facing, there is a poem in these pages that will do the trick.