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American History - McGraw Hill APUSH

This is a list of books recommended by McGraw-Hill's 5 Steps to a 5: AP US History book by Stephen Armstrong. The books from the list not in the system, as of this time, are: 1) Transforming America: Politics and Culture During the Reagan Years by Robert M. Collins (978-0231124010) 2) It Seemed Like Nothing Happened: America in the 1970s by Peter N. Carroll (978-0813515380) 3) Epic Journey: The 2008 Elections and American Politics by James W. Ceaser, Andrew E. Busch, and John J., Jr. Pitney.

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The Cold War
Martin Walker.
Eyes on the prize
Juan Williams, with the Eyes on the prize production team ; introduction by Julian Bond.
The sixties
Todd Gitlin.
The natural
Joe Klein.
The dark side
Jane Mayer.