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Vancouver Book Awards: Current Nominees and Past Winners

The annual City of Vancouver Book Award has been recognizing authors of excellence of any genre since 1989. These authors contribute to the appreciation and understanding of Vancouver's history, unique character, or the achievements of its residents. The $3,000 prize is funded by the City's Publishing Reserve, which was established in 1977 as a permanent legacy for Vancouver writers and publishers. Check out these current nominees and past winners!

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13 items

Qie de er nèu [simplified characters]
Zheng Ailing ; Cheng Yake, Sun Chenghao yi = The concubine's children / Denise Chong. --
Simple recipes
Madeleine Thien.
Dream city
Lance Berelowitz.
Visions of British Columbia
edited by Bruce Grenville, Scott Steedman. --
The beggar's garden
Michael Christie. --
Arthur erickson
David Stouck