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BKLYN BookMatch: Complex Characters and Self Reflection

This list was created by a librarian with he Brooklyn Public Library for a reader. Would you like your own personalized list of reading suggestions? Visit Bklyn BookMatch here:

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5 items

The book of longings
Kidd, Sue Monk, author.

If your mom was a fan of The Poisonwood Bible I think she would really appreciate the Book of Longings. Grounded in historical research, the book imagines a world in which Jesus was married to Ana, an ambitious woman with a gift for storytelling and writing. A beautiful work of historical fiction filled with complex characters.

The immortalists : a novel
Benjamin, Chloe, author.

Similar to Ann Patchett and filled with interesting characters, The Immortalists feels like it would be right up your mom’s ally. With the central question of the book being “If you knew the date of your death, how would you live your life?” the book also explores themes of self-searching and finding life's meaning.

The winter people
Jennifer McMahon.

If your mom enjoyed The Lace Reader I think she’ll find The Winter People similarly intriguing. Both are atmospheric, compelling and mysterious. Set in a town in Vermont that has a history of strange disappearances and old legends, this book is haunting. The past meets the present when main character Ruthie, investigating her own sisters disappearance, finds the diary of a woman who was mysteriously found dead in 1908.

On beauty
by Zadie Smith.

Zadie Smith knows how to write complex characters and the characters filling the pages of her novel On Beauty are no exception. Set in a fictional college town this book explores things like identity, race, and class. The main characters are both at a time in their lives and in their marriage where they’re reflecting on life and who they are. On Beauty is also loosely based on Howard's End by E.M. Forester so it would be an interesting read for a classics lover.

I've Been Thinking : Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life
Shriver, Maria

If your mom is looking for books about self-reflection I think Maria Shriver’s book would be a fantastic option. Filled with personal stories and bits of wisdom, this book is sure to get you thinking.