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BKLYN BookMatch Lives of Asian and Native American Women Pre-1945

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12 items

Alaska's Daughter by Elizabeth Pinson

Pinson, E..Alaska's Daughter: An Eskimo Memoir of the 20th Century. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2004. Project MUSE. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <>.

Memoirs of an Indian Woman by Shudha Mazumdar

"This vivid memoir recounts the experience of Shudha Mazumdar, a woman born at the turn of the century to Indian parents whose ideas on child rearing differed greatly. Her father, a wealthy Europeanized Zamindar, tried to instill Western values, while Shudha's mother emphasized the traditional, even going as far as arranging a marriage for her daughter when she was thirteen. Although true to Indian traditions, Shudha eventually manifested her father's influence by becoming a published writer, by becoming a member of a number of social service organizations, and by serving as the Indian Delegate to the International Labour Organization."