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Blogs about Books

This is a resource guide for people who would like to know what's new in books, read book reviews, and find suggestions for what to read next. Also included are blogs with a tongue-in-cheek tone about funny books, funny titles, etc.These are all links to blogs.

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The Dewey Divas and the Dudes

A great blog ran by Canadian publishing industry insiders. Has book reviews, useful lists, publishing industry event announcements and news, etc.

Adult Books 4 Teens

If you're a teen and are not excited with the Teen Collection at the library, try the Adult fiction collection. Adult Books 4 Teens has great reviews for books marketed as "adult" that teens are likely to find interesting. The reviews have summaries, and explains the appeal to teens or preteens. Also useful if you're an adult who likes Teen books!


This is's book blog. They have a number of different contributors, so you get a nice mix of books (fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, etc.) There are author interviews, reviews, compilation of reviews, Top N lists, etc. If you're really into books, and like to keep track of what you've read and want to read, you can join Shelfari's community.

Better Book Titles

The description from the site: "This blog is for people who do not have thousands of hours to read book reviews or blurbs or first sentences. I will cut through all the cryptic crap, and give you the meat of the story in one condensed image. Now you can read the greatest literary works of all time in mere seconds!" So funny, especially if you know the books. Warning: Cuss words and such on the site.

Awful Library Books

A compilation of books that just shouldn't be on a library's shelves. Includes good quality scans of book covers and selected pages. A good argument for weeding!